
Here is the list of titles that we’ll be playing (and the approximate times we’ll be playing them) to help you plan for the year. As the playthrough guides become available, I’ll also link them for future reference!

Please note that some of these titles are subject to slight adjustment and change, and the TBDs are largely in the works as I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some release dates to get announced. I’ll do my best to communicate that ahead of time so you can all prep, though!

<aside> ✅ Titles with an asterisk were selected by you, the community! Throughout the year, keep in mind games that you’d like to see as G&G selections as we’ll do another end-of-the-year community vote for 2025.


January: OneShot*

February: Thirsty Suitors

March: GRIS*

April: American Arcadia

May: Hyperlight Drifter*

June: TBD

July: ***Citizen Sleeper

August: Firewatch

September: Night in the Woods*

October: Slay the Princess*

November: TBD

December: TBD

Since it’s a new year, I figured it’d be great to also reiterate elements to keep in mind as you participate and interact with one another (and me/Joel) in this virtual community!

<aside> 👉🏻 It goes without saying that above all, this is a space where no racism, transphobia, homophobia, body-shaming, slut-shaming, misogyny, ableism, Zionism, or other intersections or variations of the bigotry aforementioned are welcome in this community.
